‘The Purpose Motive’, Isabel Kelly interviewed for The Water Report, the water industry’s magazine

INTERVIEW - The Water Report March 2020 Business is well placed to drive social change, and doing so would bring corporate as well as societal benefits. Isabel Kelly offers practical advice to water companies who want to do more. Is there genuinely growing support for the idea that financial profit isn’t the only thing a [...]

How to embed social purpose into your business

“Purpose is not a mere tagline or marketing campaign; it is a company’s fundamental reason for being – what it does every day to create value for its stakeholders” – Larry Fink, BlackRock CEO As a business leader, you can’t have failed to notice that purpose is the zeitgeist – being discussed across the business [...]

Can NGOs and business collaborate beyond CSR?

[By Isabel Kelly, published online September 10, 2016, Journal of Human Rights Practice, Oxford Journals, OUP] Is the Time Right for Human Rights NGOs to Collaborate with Businesses that Want to Stop Dabbling with ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ and Start Making Social Impact? Link to full text Based on the author’s 12 years of working in a [...]

Is the Time Right for Human Rights NGOs to Collaborate with Businesses that Want to Stop Dabbling with ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ and Start Making Social Impact?

First published online: September 10, 2016 Journal of Human Rights Practice (2016) doi: 10.1093/jhuman/huw015 Abstract Based on the author’s 12 years of working in a corporate foundation, this policy note provides an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in its many guises. It explores the benefits and compromises which may arise for human rights NGOs looking to collaborate with [...]

What are the Sustainable Development Goals or ‘SDGs’?

[By Isabel Kelly] The UN Goals for Sustainable Development (commonly referred to as the SDGs or Global Goals) were launched in December 2015 with specific calls to action for companies The SDGs bring together the world’s greatest social, economic and environmental issues and show how they are interlinked. They are easily digestible, globally applicable, largely [...]

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